

Computer Fundamental
Analytical Engine- made by Carles Babbge (Father of Computer)
-can do six degree of pronominal calculation.
Kananrd Zuse -made first computer and named it Z1 (FIRST PROGRAMMABLE COMPUTER)
- Lovelace was first computer programmer
- George Boolie- first develop Boolean Algebra
- Intel and Motorola Makes processor. Intel makes for IBM and IBM compatible computer Ex Pentium ,and Motorola makes for Apple ,latest one power PC ie G3 for I MAC
- COMPUTER-have two parts :
- Hardware
- Input-Ex: Keyboard,Mouse,web cam,Joystick,Light pen,MICR,OMR,BIOMATRIX,STYLUS,MICROPHONE.
- Processing-Ex ; CPU,Motherboard,RAM,SMPS.
- Output-Ex : Monitor,Printer,Speaker,Plotter,Projector.
- storage-Ex :Hard drive,Floppy Drive,CD,DVD,BRD,Lip Drive,Memory Card,Pen drive,Magnetic tape
2. software
- Keyboard-Keys F1,F2 to F12 :are called as Function Keys
0123 to9 :are called as Numeric keys
ASDF :are called as Alphabets
ALT,CTRL :are called as Special Keys
INPUT-------> PROCESSING-------->OUTPUT----------------->STORAGE(SAVE)
Different computer generation
- First Generation:(1951-58) computer have Vacuum tube that's work on thermionic emission
Drum as Primary storage
Punched cards/paper tape as Sec storage media
- 2nd Generation:(1959-64) Semiconductor with impurities best called as Transistor
Magnetic core as primary storage device\
tape sec storage device
FORTAN,COBAL language evolved
Ex IBM 700,1401
- 3rd Generation:(1964-71) IC( Integrated Chips) evolved ie Transistor packed on thin Wafer
Magnetic disc used for sec storage
COBAL,ALGOL Language evolved
First time Operating system used
Multiprogramming evolved
Ex-IBM 360/370
- 4th Generation (1971-85)- have very large scale IC(VLSIC) that,s have huge unit of Transistors Packed.
Semiconductor used as primary as well as primary storage device.
Micro and personal computer developed
CRT monitor developed
Application developed
Virtual OS
Microprocessor used
- 5thGeneration-Artificial intelligenceLISP(Special Purpose Language) will be used
Prolog(pro-gramme for logic)
Truly 5th Generation computer is not available
would use organic chips..
When computer start from scrap following steps would take place
- computer on
- on screen BIOS(Basic Input output system) will displayed.Bios is set of instruction in ROM that controls how hardware and OS communicate to each other.The process of putting BIOS on RAM is K/A SHADOWING
- After that computer will perform POST( power on Self Test) ie a set of test for hardware.
- After that computer look for OS,first in floppy drive than in hard drive.
- For DOS/Window KERNEL loaded first,Now computer look for three files ie
- command langauge interpreter:key stroke 1and 0's
- config-sys-what device connected: ex -mouse,cd drive,scanner,
- Autoexec.bat :does optional task like running prog.
Computer have 3 parts ie
- Peripheral Parts ---Hardware
- Buses and Cables-interconnecting wires
- Data given and output required
Bays-A space where hardware ,floppy drive or CD ROM drive sit.
ROM chips,RAM chips and CPU are all plugged to small socket on motherboard.
AUXILRY CIRCUIT BOARDS K/A cards,can be plugged into larger extension sockets. These sockets holds CD-Rom. Sound Card,Fax Modem Cards.
Transformer – convert normal hose hold current to much lower voltage which the mother can use.
PERIPHERAL DEVICES:Hardware component ie Input devices, output devices ,storage,processing.
- Keyboard :
- Digitizer:used to draw pictures /scteches images through cursor pen.
- Mouse
- Scanner:Use optical character recognization technique .Varies types ie Flatbed Scanner,Shetheld Scannner,Handheld Scanner,Drum Scanner.
- Printer: two types -Impact and Non impact Printer.Impact printer is of 3 types ie Dot matrix,Line printer,Daisey Wheel Printer(can Print short Images on Papper or on Sheet).Non Impact printer is of 2 types ie Inkjet/Bubblejet Printer and Laser/page printer. (Plotter are used to draw high quality images of various colors and draws continuous lines).
- Memory:Two kind of Memory ie
- Instuction Disappears when computer turned off,
- OS ,programme,Data Kept
- faster than other storage
- Little storage capacity
More RAM faster PC
- Instruction data not disappear when computer turned off
- also K/A as primary storage
- Have switches that are permanently set factory
- PROM(programmable Read only memory)- one time writable
- EPROM(Erasible Prograbble read only memory)-Erased by Ultravoilet light,reusale,most commonly used.
- EEPROM(Electricaly Erasible Prograbble read only memory)erased by high electric current,Not necessory to remove from PC for erasing ,reusable limited life.
- FLASH RAM-Part of EEPROM,erased at normal PC voltage ,constantly powered,used in Digital Camera,LAN switches.
- DRAM(Dynmic random Access Memory )Most common RAM,require to refresh after little intervels of for few millisecound for retaining data,use capacitor and transister for storage cells.Capciter losses electric charges quickly ,need to charge .Slower than SRAM.
- DRDRAM(Direct Rhambus DRAM)
- SDRAM(Synchronus RAM)
- SRAM(Static RAM) used as cache memory.
The Magnetic media storage is of two types ie
- Primary Storage /Internal Storage:Store data which are in current use.
- Secoundary sorage /Auxillary storgae:store data which are not in current use.Under secondary storage comes-
>Floppy disk drive
>Hard disk: invented in 1950,
no.of mettallic disc mounted on a spindle that rotate at speed of 3600-7200 RPM .
Huge storage.
>CD-ROM-optical disc:most popular and least expensive device.
CD-ROM-read only
CD-R/W-read and write
DVD-Digital versatil disk/digital video disk:
Bit---------------------0 or 1
Nibble-----------------4 bit
Byte---------------------8 bit
KB(kilo Byte)------1024 bit
MG(mega byte)----1024 KB
GB(Gega Byte)----1024 MB
TB(Tera Byte)-----1024 GB
PB(Penta Byte)----1024 Tb
EB(Exa Byte)-----1024 PB
Bit---------------------0 or 1
Nibble-----------------4 bit
Byte---------------------8 bit
KB(kilo Byte)------1024 bit
MG(mega byte)----1024 KB
GB(Gega Byte)----1024 MB
TB(Tera Byte)-----1024 GB
PB(Penta Byte)----1024 Tb
EB(Exa Byte)-----1024 PB
Processing Devices:has 3 unit ie
- ALU(Arthmatic Logic unit):
Microprocessor :does some rough work during processing ,thiss space for rough is callled as Register
Memory on Motherboard -RAM,Cache,Primary and secoundary storage
Memory on Microprocessor-Register
Microprocessor and co-processor on mother board resides on motherboard.
Operating System(OS)
- OS interface apllication with mechine
- OS is system software,provide easy to use command to user,
- Ist operating system automated the loading,compiling and assembling also do job transition and job sequencing ,It was K/A Batch OS
- OS responsible for
- controlling input and out put
- directing flow of information to and from processor
- when computer start from scratch at time of booting,OS is first things that is loaded.OS checks all memory ,display error in case of problem
- Apllication software need OS to make hardware do what user desire.OS work in Back ground
- It manage all files ,directeries access permission on the files .
- It memory allotment when user open application.
Screen where instruction are inserted through keyboard is K/A Interface /front end,Interface is of two types ie
- Commandline interface:non graphical Ex DOS
- Graphical Interface :Images,textboxes,buttons ,command buttons,radio buttons.Ex Window.
Mac OS-OS 1 and 8.x/9.x,OS10.1,x
UNIX,LINUX,WINDOW NT/200-used in mainfarme computer.
UNIX is most secured OS.
Types of OS on basis of User point of View
1-single Program Os-Only one user programme resides in memory at time.
EX-CP/M-for 8 bi micro-computer.
2-Multiprogramming OS-Multi programme stored in memory at same time,but one programme at a time is processed.
Memory managment is needed.
Paging is very popular memory managment.Main memory brakes into pages frame.Programme brakes into pages.
OS allocate 1 or 2 pages frames to pages (depending on the size of the page).Pages are brought into main memory as and when required so at time memory appears than its hardware capacity this illusion is caled as Virtual Memory and process called as demand paging.
3-Time sharing OS:Its type of Multiprogramming.
Several user residing in main memory and CPU switched B/w them rapidly .
CPU shared among several user prog.and each one allocated a fixed time K/a time sharing system
system have special device K/A Tuner
Prog.have to wait but CPU fully utilized K/A round robi Scheduling
Paging and dynmic paging technique used.
4-Multi-Processor Os: more than one processor with common memory
Allows parallelism ie several instruction has to be executed simultenously
5-Virtual storage Os: incorporate demand paging for main memory.
Large and expensive.
6-Real Time OS : Used in Airtraffic control system,patient monitoring.
Have rapid response and reliable.
5-Basics(Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction)
6-C++- objective oriented programming(opp)
Commonly used OS
Windows: Microsoft,Graphical interface,expansion of MS-DOS,
Multi-tasking OS
from 4th verion ie Window 95 its independent from MS-DOS
Window NT-used in Networking.
UNIX_-Devloped by AT and T Beu Lab in 1969
Not GUI type
Muti-programing ,multitasking,multiuser, cryptic,userfrandily,very secure,
2 agencies work for it -
- Kernel-K-interect with mechine
- Shell-interface B/W user and kernel.
OS/2:Devloped by IBM
for mainframe
32 bit
faster than DOS,suitable for multimedia
MS-DOS:version 3.2,4.0 etc
single user
non GUI
CP/M(control programme /micro-computer)most commonly used OS for 8 bit intel 8080 or Zilog microprocessor.
OS used in Mobile device
- Ios:Apple
- Window:Microsft
- Android:Google,open source,Linux based
- RIM:Blackbery
- Web Os: from HP,devloped by PALM,Linux based
- BADA:samsung
- Linux:open source
Programming language is a medium through which instruction when given to computer makes computer follow them,
This sequence of instruction is called as Programme.
Different languges are
surface form of any language.
Semantics-meaning of language.
2-C Language:
surface form of any language.
Semantics-meaning of language.
2-C Language:
3-COBAL (Common business Language)
4-FORTAN(formulla Translator
5-Basics(Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction)
6-C++- objective oriented programming(opp)
Mechine Language:Directly understood by computer
Only binary system used
not easy to understand
compiller-convert certain language to mechine languge
Every computer has its own binary code.
Assembly Language: 2nd genration Language
low level languge
most appropriate for writing OS
High level language:have low tendency to produce bugs(errors),
Debugging-correction of error.
1st Genration-0 1 binary digits.
2nd genration-use symbolic names instead of just no.s
3rd Generation-use words instead of just number and symbols.
Has syntex much easier to understand
high level language
Ex-c.c++ Java.java scripts,
4th Genration -close to human language
used to access and include SQ2 and cold fusion ,among others
5th Genration-used for neuronal network
form of artificial intelligence
Web languages used for creating webpages.
- HTML-hypertext markup language
- xml-extenseble markup language
- Javscipts-for animation
- VB scripts-visual basic sripts,Ex-Internet explorer
- PHP-hypertext preprocessor
- Java-
1-Supercomputer-most powerfull,largest,
perform 1 trillion calculation /Sec
need lots of power and cooling
used for scientific work
Ex-K-computer-Japan- speed 8.162 Pentaflops
Tiahe-1A -China-speed 2.57 pentaflops
Cray XT-5 Jaguar-USA-Speed 1.75 pentaflops
2-Mainframe computer:Largest commony used computer,
Used in Banking and insurance sector
Used where same data are access again anad again
used as server for www
computer terminal (Doesnt have CPU) wired to mainfame
Largest Mainframe EX IBM S/390-can support 5000 user simultanously
3-Minicomputer:Capabilties lies in B/W Mainframe and Midrange computer
Handle much more I/O(Input Output) than PC
can be used as web server
used in animation work
can attach 500 user simultanously
4-Workstation :lies in B/W Midrange and PC
have sophosticated software like CAM,CAD
OS used in it are UNIX,Window NT
Ex-SPARC(From SUN),IBM RS/6000
5-Personal computer invented in 1970,small and enexpensive
K/A microcomputer
single used
use microprocessor
First Pc Apple II,IBM PC
6-Net book-lightwt less than 6 pound
7-Laptop-fit in your lap
8-Handheld computer-PIN(Personal information manager)
PDA(personal digital assistant),Palmtop
- OSI Refrence: International Standerd OrganizationSeven Layer model
layer perform single activity
- application layer:Interface between computer and user
- presentation Layer:Covert text into binary or encryptist,puts wrpper or header on data
- session layer:Deciedes which rule/protocol followed for transmission.
- Transport :assures correct transmission of data,receipent send acknowldgement to this layer
- Network:segment data into packets.Network head started and role of Hardware start
- Data Link: brakes packets in frames
- Physical: encodes 0 and 1 to +,- voltage
- TCP/IP Refrence model: Internet was based on TCP/IP refrence model
has following layers
- Transport layer: same as OSI, Two protocol ,only one protocol work at a time.
control protocol) >reliable
connection oriented protocol.
bytes stream (data from)one mechine to another without any error.
data into packets and rejoin it at distination
flow of data.
data gram protocol):>unreliable
transmit data
error or control flow handling
when time delivery is importent ,Ex Video confrencing.
higher level protocol
terminal Protocol)It
helps user one mechine to log into distant mechine and work here.
transfer protocol)
mail transfer protocol) used
in E mail
name system) mapping
host on their net addresses
fetch pages on www
of computer/terminal/teliphone,
There are 6 types of networks
1-Mesh Topology:Every
computer is connected to others.
high fault tolerence
Topology : every node is
connected to centrall node
fails -network fails
to install,wire and troubleshoot
Topology-One star topology
connected to other via HUB
5-Ring Topology
issue of Internet:is of following types
of missing data
read by unauthorized PERSONAL
3)you may receive dirty
solution :
as hacking
is called as access control mechanism ie
They are of folowing types
appear normal but carrying destructive payload.
train virus that is the fastest in replication and relocation
following types
in boot secter,take complete control over system
Operating system,attach to command .com file,slow down computer
is- ------ to dectet them before entry ie by firewall(check
outgoing and incoming information) or by antivirus
the infected portion
similar to virus ,but they differ from virus in following points
has capabilties to travel to another computer without human activites
have capabilty of replication.
To prepare computer you have to keep certain points in mind:
1-study the Basics of Computer
2-solve question or attempt QUIZ question of this blog because question are not tough but same question are asked in different different manner which can only be solved by experience.
In case of problem of understanding of any topic feel free to ask
Dear friend,
I am looking for previous question papers for IT officers in banks. It will be helpful if can provide any info regarding the papers and books and topics.
Dear Vin ,first of all thanks for asking,i would like to tell you that i have read many books on computer for competitive exam but i find none of the books is sufficient.There is an book(a handbook of computer by Jigyasa Sharma unique Publication) which can support you but remember its not sufficient .For better preparation u have to solve previous year question paper .Question which are given in this blog are from previous year competitive exam,so mug up it,
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