Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fundamentals of Economics


Macroeconomics is the study of economy as whole. It analyze the the cause of major problem such as unemployment rampant inflation , low wages.

Objective of the Macroeconomics policy are achieving:
  • High level of output(GDP)
  • Full employment
  • Price stability
  • sustainable Balance of Payment
  • Rapid economic growth

GDP-(Gross Domestic Products) Its the measure of the market value of all goods and servic produced by factors -labor,and property- located within boundaries of country,,during specified period of time annual.
  • Nominal GDP -at base price
  • Real GDP-adjusted for price change.

Potential GDP-maximum output an economy can produce when it's all resource are fully employed.

GDP Gap-Potential GDP-Actual GDP.

If Actual GDP >Potential GDP- Inflationary output GAP

If Actual GDP<Potential GDP- Recessionary GDP GAP

Objective of macroeconomics is to increase potential GDPmin long run.

GDP =NDP + Depreciation where NDP is National Domestic product

GDP-within boundaries of Country.
GNP-resident of countries either in or abroad.

GDP deflater = Nominal GDP/ Real GDP

GDP deflater measure the price level

% change in GDP deflator is equal to inflation rate during particular period.

Personal Income=NNP at factor cost -corporate tax- unattributable profit – transfer of payment

Disposable income=Personal income – personal taxes

GDP= C+I+G+(X-M)

Where C – consumption
I -Investment
G-Govt expendature
X-M- net export

Instruments of Macroeconomics polices:

  • Fiscal Policy
  • Monetary Policy
  • Exchange rate policy
  • International Trade policy
  • Employment Policy
  • Price and Income Polices

Objectives                                                                       Tools/Instrument
  • High output level                                                     Monetary Policy
  • Low unemployment rat                                            Fiscal Policy
  • Stable Price level                                                     Exchange Rate policy
  • Maintenance of Balance of Trade Payment               International Trade policy
  • steady Economic growth                                          Price and income policy
                                                                                        Employment policy


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